, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures

Good Girl Treat

>> Friday, March 12, 2010

Lili had been good. That's why we celebrated it with a Pizza Treat and more.. Actually, I was hungry, that was just an excuse, lol.. But seriously, Lili had been good that is why I allowed her to choose where we will go to eat. Her answer will always be at Jollibee, but it was packed when we were there at that time. Then she decided she wants to eat pizza, and off we went to Pizza Hut at the other building from where we were previously.

Happy pose before eating dessert..

Happy Lili

Pepperoni and Cheese Personal Pan Pizza

Roma Viva Italian Pizza

Caesar Salad

For more of Yummy Sunday, visit my cousin's blog at Perfectly Blended.


What to Cook, What Gift to Give..

>> Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My mom's birthday is on the 16th. The same day, she and my father will celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary. I am now busy listing down foodies to prepare for their anniversary dinner. At the same time, I am planning what to get for this celebration.

I dropped by and I saw the lovely personalized bowls that my mom is sure to love. There are also the lovely personalized pillowcases that I am wanting for myself, and a pink nap mat for Lili. Hmm, they have such lovely pieces and gift ideas.

For the food, well, I am actually planning of an out of the house celebration, because two days after is also my birthday. Hmm. That would be if I can not think of what food to cook..


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