, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures


>> Saturday, January 16, 2010

I have loved this new recipe of Radish Salad. The old recipe is not as exciting as this new one, thanks to Carmen..

All you will need are the following ingredients:

  • Radish
  • Tomato
  • Calamansi
  • salt and pepper to taste
The secret is in how you squeeze out all the water from the radish after thinly slicing them.. Mix all ingredients and voila, you have a refreshing side dish...



>> Thursday, January 14, 2010

My father is advised by Dr. Edmilao to go through an all white fish diet since in the latest check up yesterday, it was found that his system could very slowly digest hard to digest foods like red meat and others... So I guess that explains why we have packs of white cobbler and all other white fish meats in our refrigerator...
It is rich in OMEGA 3, and low in fat.. And it is easier to digest. As we grow older, that should be our substitute diet.. No more oily foods, no more chocolates, nuts.. Oh my goodness... I feel like dying if it were me.. But if we are to choose between our cravings and health and longevity to enjoy more of life, then all this sacrifices will be worth it..

Ah.. Another sermon is about to be heard from my dad.. But he never said anything.. He simply said that FISH is IN, so I should also follow through so I would lose weight..


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