, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures


>> Saturday, April 25, 2009

Two years ago I enrolled myself at ALS (Alternative Learning System) for the certificate needed for a planned trip abroad... That to be honest. I am a good cook but a certificate is needed to prove it.... In fact, cooking is a skill my family is blessed with on both my mother's side as well as my father's side. Both my parents love to eat and cook... At a young age, I have dreamed of becoming a chef, or a restaurant owner. But, as years passed, I have discovered skills and talents that I find more valuable and challenging. Cooking then became a hobby only. A very good hobby in fact... lol...

Before Lili came, I planned to go out of the country to find my life... my calling. So I enrolled myself in Nursing as a second course. By God's blessing, Lili came and everything changed. I tried so hard to find out what I am really called for... Now I know... Anyway, the slide I am sharing here is our group presentation for Fish Coco Bites... a healthy and economical way to present Tuna... enjoy...



I was bloghopping and I came by OUR FAMILY STORY this was what I saw there. Just this evening I took a photo of a dessert which was never absent on Sundays in our house. It's called TAPIOCA. Actually the reason why it is not absent is because it can be prepared with a variety of ingredients, and may have different presentations. The taste of course, will depend on the ingredients you use. So with the picture already available, I opted to join this meme. Besides, I LOVE FOOD...ahehhehehe...

For today's TAPIOCA DESSERT, the ingredients used are a.) Cubed Cheese, b.) Apple Chunks, c.) Cantaloupe Strips, d.) Sweet Corn Kernels, e.) Milk and Cream and of course the star of the show, f.) TAPIOCA.

Last week we had the Banana-Mango Combo...yummy!!!


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